Monday 15 October 2012

ME Monday

Do you get enough time just for you?

Do you get any time just for you?

I get some ie. going to the gym, grocery shopping (sometimes), but nowhere near as much as I would like. I am trying to fix this though. As my boys are both at daycare on Mondays (my only child-free day for now), I am declaring Monday as 'ME Monday'. I am aiming to dedicate at least an hour on a Monday while the boys aren't at home to ME. Whether it be as simple as reading a book, watching a movie, or maybe working on a craft project or going shopping (and no, grocery shopping does not count!).

I will blog about it so you can see that I am getting my ME time. Today though, is a slightly different story...It is now lunch time and I have only accomplished half of the housework I need to so I will officially start Me Monday from next week. Feel free to join in if you wish!

Do you have scheduled ME time? What would/do you do for your ME time? I'd love to hear about it :-)

Take care xxx

Sunday 14 October 2012

I'm Baaaack...

I haven't posted on here since February...the year has just flown by and my blog got a little lost. BUT, I am on a mission. Some of you would know that I have Post Natal Depression (PND), and despite it being about 12 months since the diagnosis, various medications and a wonderful psychologist later I am still struggling. I have tried to keep journals and diaries over the years with no success - I mean, it has always helped emotionally but somehow I have never been able to keep it up.

My mission is to keep at this blog where I am accountable to all of you if I disappear. I also wish to expand on my creative side - I have never been one to write just because I wanted to but that is something I would like to change. I'm not going to go on with why I want to blog as I'm sure I have covered this in previous post/s, but please bare with me while I get back into it.

Take care xxx