Monday 15 October 2012

ME Monday

Do you get enough time just for you?

Do you get any time just for you?

I get some ie. going to the gym, grocery shopping (sometimes), but nowhere near as much as I would like. I am trying to fix this though. As my boys are both at daycare on Mondays (my only child-free day for now), I am declaring Monday as 'ME Monday'. I am aiming to dedicate at least an hour on a Monday while the boys aren't at home to ME. Whether it be as simple as reading a book, watching a movie, or maybe working on a craft project or going shopping (and no, grocery shopping does not count!).

I will blog about it so you can see that I am getting my ME time. Today though, is a slightly different story...It is now lunch time and I have only accomplished half of the housework I need to so I will officially start Me Monday from next week. Feel free to join in if you wish!

Do you have scheduled ME time? What would/do you do for your ME time? I'd love to hear about it :-)

Take care xxx

Sunday 14 October 2012

I'm Baaaack...

I haven't posted on here since February...the year has just flown by and my blog got a little lost. BUT, I am on a mission. Some of you would know that I have Post Natal Depression (PND), and despite it being about 12 months since the diagnosis, various medications and a wonderful psychologist later I am still struggling. I have tried to keep journals and diaries over the years with no success - I mean, it has always helped emotionally but somehow I have never been able to keep it up.

My mission is to keep at this blog where I am accountable to all of you if I disappear. I also wish to expand on my creative side - I have never been one to write just because I wanted to but that is something I would like to change. I'm not going to go on with why I want to blog as I'm sure I have covered this in previous post/s, but please bare with me while I get back into it.

Take care xxx

Monday 13 February 2012

February Photo a Day Challenge cont.

Here is the next installment of my February Photo A Day Challenge being hosted by Fat Mum Slim.

8. Sun

9. Front door

10. Self portrait

11. Makes you happy - my 2 beautiful boys

12. In your closet

13. Blue - crayon on the tiles means one cranky Mummy

Thursday 9 February 2012

Thursday Three: What I'm Procrastinating About...

I have been know by some in my life as the 'Procrastination Queen'...I don't know if I really should be admitting that or not. But my point is that I could probably list off tens of things that I am putting off with some kind of excuse for each and every one of them. Anyway, I need only come up with three - that should be a piece of cake!

  • For a start, I am sitting here blogging while my kitchen is full of dirty dishes - I really should be cleaning up before my husband gets home from Melbourne later tonight, but I don't feel like it lol.
  • I also have several baskets of clean washing that need to be put away...but I always seem to find something better to do when I think about them.
  • Almost every craft project I have ever started has not been finished. Scrapbooking, cardmaking, a number of cross stitches...I seem to get to a point, and then just can't be bothered anymore. Any suggestions as to how to stay motivated to actually finish some of these would be greatly appreciated!
So there are the first three things that came into my head, but I can guarantee you that there are many more :-)

Linking up with Life As We Know It for the Thursday Three.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

I Miss Him So Much...& Yes, I'm a Sook.

My husband left early on Sunday morning to fly to Melbourne for a conference. He will be back late on Thursday night. That's only 5 days without him...easy, right? No - well, not for me anyway. As much as I am happy for him that he can go to gain experience & network for his career, I really wish he didn't have to go.

I am still struggling with my PND (although it does seem to be improving now that I'm on a new medication), & although our 2 boys are pretty well behaved for the most part, it is very draining - both physically & emotionally when he is not here to help and support me. I have plenty of family and friends who are willing to help if needed but I am one of those people who will not ask for help unless I am absolutely desperate (& that's still no guarantee). I think this contributed to my PND too, but I will leave that for another day.

I have been coping really well & getting things done up until this afternoon. From the time I arrived at daycare to collect Master N right up until bedtime, he was being cheeky. Not really naughty, just pushing the boundaries a little more than usual. That seemed to be enough to trigger a dip for me, but at least he (& his little brother) are now in bed and quiet, if not actually asleep (I'm not game to check on him just yet lol).

As with any night we are apart, I talked to my husband on the phone and felt a little better. After we said goodnight, we hung up and then the tears came. I just miss him so much - the next 2 days will not go fast enough!

Linking up for the first time with Diary of a Stay At Home Mum for IBOT.

February Photo a Day Challenge - Week 1

I have started Fat Mum Slim's February Photo A Day Challenge, and will be sharing my creations each week.

1. My view - lying on the grass with my boys looking up at the sky.

2. Words - missing my husband while he is at a conference.

3. Hands.

4. A stranger - picture in the local paper of a guy who Master N thought was from the Wiggles.

5. 10am.

6. Dinner - macaroni & cheese with hidden vegetables.

7. Button.

Stay tuned for next week's photos :-)

Monday 6 February 2012

Feeling a Little Lost Today

I go back to study in a few weeks. Even though I will be studying from home, I decided that I really need some time without the boys around so I can give my study 100% of my attention. Master N is nearly 2, & has been going to a family daycare twice a week since July 2011 (and went to a centre before that). But today, I sent Master T (nearly 5mths) for the first time. He is only going one day a week at this stage, and with today being the first I have been trying to enjoy some time to myself before uni starts. Every now & then though, I think I can hear him before realising he's not actually here with me. It's a very strange feeling with the house being so quiet! However, I must admit I haven't shed any tears this time around but I put that down to him being with his big brother, already knowing his carer & knowing that he is just around the corner.

Anyway, I was planning to continue my Simplify Your Life 52 week challenge catch-up, but alas my next challenge is to create a Family Mission Statement. I will (obviously) need to convince my husband to have some input into this but he is currently in Melbourne for a conference so I will need to wait until he gets home later in the week. In the mean time, I should probably get some housework done before I have to pick up the boys in a little while - wish me luck!

Sunday 5 February 2012

It's been a while & SYL: Week 2

It's been a few weeks since I have posted - for that I am very sorry. The last few weeks have been a huge struggle for me, but I am slowly getting on top of it with the help of my wonderful husband, loving family & friends, & of course my GP. I hope to catch up on the Simplify your life 52 week challenge in the coming days, and as I am also undertaking Fat Mum Slim's February photo a day challenge I will post these photos at least weekly.

First things first...week 2 of the SYL 52 week challenge: Top 5 Core Values

I spent ages looking at Deb's values list and came up with the 10 values that stuck with me the most afterwards - honesty, listening, family, loyalty, faith, patience, success, perserverance, equality and support. I also came up with one of my own - respect. Choosing the top 5 from this list was VERY difficult for me, but I decided on the following as my top 5:


I then had to rank these in order of importance to me. As with the rest of this week's challenge, I found this really hard, but came up with the following:

1. Respect

I feel so strongly about the importance of respect. We should see it everywhere we go, every day, with everybody. But sadly, there are many people out there who just don't seem to care. I try my hardest to respect everyone - from my husband & children to the sales assistant at the supermarket to the annoying telemarketer on the phone. It is such an important part of building & maintaining relationships. I also believe that there would be a lot less judgement & dicrimination in the world if everyone respected everyone else.

2. Family

I know it sounds cliche, but my family means the world to me. All I ever wanted growing up was a family just like mine (I'm one of the lucky ones whose parents have been married for over 30 year,s & both my siblings & I have always been close with each other & our parents). I wanted more than anything to get married and become a Mum. The relationships I have with my husband, my children, my parents, my siblings & their families have taught me so much, & helped me become the woman I am today. I would be absolutely devastated if something were to break our family apart, & I would do anything to stop that from happening.

3. Equality

Racism. Gender discrimination. Intellectual ability. Physical appearance. Wealth. These are just a few issues that we have to deal with every day. I strive to create equality in all of these issues every day, and can only hope that you all do too. I know how it feels to be judged, and never want to make ANYone feel the way I have during these times.

4. Support

This is one of those values that would likely change over time. I have always tried to be someone who is supportive to anyone who needs it. Sometimes I have felt like I had a sign stuck to my forehead stating "Your personal counsellor - tell me all your problems." Maybe it's because I am a good listener (not so good at actually giving advice though...), maybe people are aware that I will try & support them in whatever they choose to do. I don't really know, but I do know that I have been in a LOT of situations where I have had the opportunity to support family, friends & even strangers. Now I understand how important it is to get that support. As a PND sufferer I am so thankful for the support I have had from my husband, my family, my friends & the professionals I have been in contact with. It has given me motivation to try even harder to be as supportive as I possibly can be whenever someone needs me.

5. Success

suc·cess   /səkˈsɛs/
1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. a successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4. a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.
5. Obsolete . outcome.

Generally, when people think of success, they think of definitions like the one above (from; they think about money, careers etc. When I think of success, it's a little more abstract. I want to be successful in that I want to live a happy life knowing that my family will always be beside me, that I will always have friends to lean on & who can lean on me, that I can be a role model for my children, & that I can somehow make the world a better place (even just in my own tiny way). If I can do all of these things, I will consider myself successful.

So, there you go. It took a LOT of thought, & a LOT of time...but I came up with my top 5 core values in order of importance. I feel like I have just jumped a huge hurdle, & it feels great!

Thursday 12 January 2012


This week has not been a good week. Not much has happened to trigger this - I have just been completely unmotivated and feeling down. On Tuesday, Master N had his first day back at daycare for the year, but I was out for the day with Master T getting immunisations and so forth. Yesterday morning started really well - I went for my first (and only) walk since having Master T, got some housework done all before the boys woke up. But as the day went on, I felt worse and worse. Thankfully, spending some time with hubby before bed did help a little :-)

Today, Master N was back at daycare and I felt lost not knowing what to do for the day while Master T slept. I am proud to say that, despite this, I made the choice to be productive. I don't know how I did it - I just did. I have been wanting to start meal planning for a while now - especially as Master N is a rather fussy toddler, and I am starting to struggle with my weight - and today I sat down and wrote up my first meal plan. I have pretty much got the shopping list finished ready for when I go shopping tomorrow - hopefully it will be a success.

I have also been thinking and reflecting about this week's challenge of the SYL 52 week challenge. But I am struggling. I just can't focus. I have tried writing things down, I have tried talking to hubby, I have tried thinking about it in the shower & while feeding Master T - but nothing is working. I don't know what else to try. I'm sure it will come to me - it just might not be ready for the linky on Monday morning :-(

Tuesday 3 January 2012

52 Weeks to Simplify Your Life: Week 1

I have been pondering the idea of starting a blog for a while but up until now, my apprehensiveness & my lack of confidence have stopped me. I finally decided to bite the bullet & just go for it thanks to Deb over at Home Life Simplified who has kicked off a 52 week challenge to simplify your life. So here goes for the Week 1 challenge:

What Went Right in 2011

2011 was a bit of a roller coaster ride for me, but the whole point of this challenge is to look at the positives. I must admit that I cannot recall much that really energised me - being pregnant for a good part of the year & then having a newborn (Master T) while also raising my toddler (Master N) was (& still is) very draining both physically & emotionally. We also moved out of a unit & into a house while I was 7 months pregnant - the move was very draining, but living somewhere where we have more space, privacy & our own yard for the kids to play in makes it all worthwhile - seeing Master N's face whenever he is out in the back yard just melts my heart. The happiest day of 2011 was definitely the day I gave birth to Master T in September, despite some (not too serious) health issues that developed for both him & myself. He spent his first month struggling to put on weight, but is now as healthy as he could possibly be, which I am so very grateful for.

I was diagnosed with PND when Master T was only about 7 weeks old, at which time we also decided to wean him onto formula. I was a bit worried about formula feeding after breastfeeding Master N for 7 months, but as time went on, I felt more at peace with our decision as he began growing at a more acceptable rate & I was given a small break as hubby could feed him sometimes. It also allowed me to tag along with hubby as he travelled to Melbourne for a conference while my parents baby-sat the boys for a few days. This was a very exciting mini-holiday for both of us for several reasons - I had never flown in a plane before, it was our first holiday with just the two of us since having children, hubby had never been to Melbourne & I had only been once before on a school trip, & it gave me a couple of days to explore & shop on my own!!! I am still so very grateful to my parents for agreeing to have the kids for that time even though they had some idea as to how tiring it is with two under 2.

In late 2011, I decided to take the plunge & get back into my studies...but had to take it one step further. I will be returning to uni externally not only to finish my science degree but also starting an arts degree. People tell me I'm crazy but I am choosing to take it on as another challenge for 2012 :-)

To finish off this week's challenge, I would like to share some things I learnt in 2011:
  • I can't do everything on my own - as much as I wish I could sometimes
  • Communication is a vital tool for relationships & change
  • It is okay to reach out when you need help & support
  • No one is perfect
  • There is a difference between blood-relations & family
  • Balancing different aspects of life is so important to each & every one of us
So it turns out 2011 wasn't so bad after all for me & my family - we have many happy memories which will hopefully outlive all the negativity (which I really did try to avoid in this post...)

Take care,

Kelly xoxo

Monday 2 January 2012

The First Post! And a little about me :-)

Welcome to My Mummy Journey (MMJ) & my very first attempt at blogging! I created this blog simply as a way I can record my journey as a Mummy - the ups, the downs & everything in between. I hope to grow not only as a Mummy, but also as a wife, friend & person by sharing my thoughts, emotions & stories with you. I am also keen to network with other Mummies out there who I can support & who can support me when needed.

I have never been very good at talking about myself & sharing my feelings with others, and I have been a little apprehensive about starting a blog (not to mention hubby isn't too keen), so please feel free to give me any comments and feedback you wish - but please, nothing offensive or negative!

A Little About Me

I'm Kelly, a twenty-something Mummy to two beautiful boys - Master N who is nearly 2, & Master T who is nearly 4 months. I have been married to my incredible hubby for 3.5 years. Since becoming a Mummy, I have worked part-time & studied part-time (externally) & am known to take on more than I can manage - but I always see it as a challenge. I am rather quiet around people I don't know very well, but once you get to know me, I can't shut up! I love watching movies with hubby, taking photos, reading (IF I have any spare time), craft, the beach (but don't go anywhere near enough), music & of course reading blogs. I will it at that for now...

Thanks for stopping by :-)