Monday 6 February 2012

Feeling a Little Lost Today

I go back to study in a few weeks. Even though I will be studying from home, I decided that I really need some time without the boys around so I can give my study 100% of my attention. Master N is nearly 2, & has been going to a family daycare twice a week since July 2011 (and went to a centre before that). But today, I sent Master T (nearly 5mths) for the first time. He is only going one day a week at this stage, and with today being the first I have been trying to enjoy some time to myself before uni starts. Every now & then though, I think I can hear him before realising he's not actually here with me. It's a very strange feeling with the house being so quiet! However, I must admit I haven't shed any tears this time around but I put that down to him being with his big brother, already knowing his carer & knowing that he is just around the corner.

Anyway, I was planning to continue my Simplify Your Life 52 week challenge catch-up, but alas my next challenge is to create a Family Mission Statement. I will (obviously) need to convince my husband to have some input into this but he is currently in Melbourne for a conference so I will need to wait until he gets home later in the week. In the mean time, I should probably get some housework done before I have to pick up the boys in a little while - wish me luck!


  1. Ohhh it always sounds good doesn't it? Having no kids and peace to be able to do what we need to get done.... but when we get it we feel like something of us is missing!! The feeling will pass and I am sure you will get everything done you need!!! (enjoy the peace!!!)

    1. Thanks Paula! I did get everything done I think? lol Except for having a sleep...oh well, maybe next week :)
