Sunday 5 February 2012

It's been a while & SYL: Week 2

It's been a few weeks since I have posted - for that I am very sorry. The last few weeks have been a huge struggle for me, but I am slowly getting on top of it with the help of my wonderful husband, loving family & friends, & of course my GP. I hope to catch up on the Simplify your life 52 week challenge in the coming days, and as I am also undertaking Fat Mum Slim's February photo a day challenge I will post these photos at least weekly.

First things first...week 2 of the SYL 52 week challenge: Top 5 Core Values

I spent ages looking at Deb's values list and came up with the 10 values that stuck with me the most afterwards - honesty, listening, family, loyalty, faith, patience, success, perserverance, equality and support. I also came up with one of my own - respect. Choosing the top 5 from this list was VERY difficult for me, but I decided on the following as my top 5:


I then had to rank these in order of importance to me. As with the rest of this week's challenge, I found this really hard, but came up with the following:

1. Respect

I feel so strongly about the importance of respect. We should see it everywhere we go, every day, with everybody. But sadly, there are many people out there who just don't seem to care. I try my hardest to respect everyone - from my husband & children to the sales assistant at the supermarket to the annoying telemarketer on the phone. It is such an important part of building & maintaining relationships. I also believe that there would be a lot less judgement & dicrimination in the world if everyone respected everyone else.

2. Family

I know it sounds cliche, but my family means the world to me. All I ever wanted growing up was a family just like mine (I'm one of the lucky ones whose parents have been married for over 30 year,s & both my siblings & I have always been close with each other & our parents). I wanted more than anything to get married and become a Mum. The relationships I have with my husband, my children, my parents, my siblings & their families have taught me so much, & helped me become the woman I am today. I would be absolutely devastated if something were to break our family apart, & I would do anything to stop that from happening.

3. Equality

Racism. Gender discrimination. Intellectual ability. Physical appearance. Wealth. These are just a few issues that we have to deal with every day. I strive to create equality in all of these issues every day, and can only hope that you all do too. I know how it feels to be judged, and never want to make ANYone feel the way I have during these times.

4. Support

This is one of those values that would likely change over time. I have always tried to be someone who is supportive to anyone who needs it. Sometimes I have felt like I had a sign stuck to my forehead stating "Your personal counsellor - tell me all your problems." Maybe it's because I am a good listener (not so good at actually giving advice though...), maybe people are aware that I will try & support them in whatever they choose to do. I don't really know, but I do know that I have been in a LOT of situations where I have had the opportunity to support family, friends & even strangers. Now I understand how important it is to get that support. As a PND sufferer I am so thankful for the support I have had from my husband, my family, my friends & the professionals I have been in contact with. It has given me motivation to try even harder to be as supportive as I possibly can be whenever someone needs me.

5. Success

suc·cess   /səkˈsɛs/
1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. a successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4. a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.
5. Obsolete . outcome.

Generally, when people think of success, they think of definitions like the one above (from; they think about money, careers etc. When I think of success, it's a little more abstract. I want to be successful in that I want to live a happy life knowing that my family will always be beside me, that I will always have friends to lean on & who can lean on me, that I can be a role model for my children, & that I can somehow make the world a better place (even just in my own tiny way). If I can do all of these things, I will consider myself successful.

So, there you go. It took a LOT of thought, & a LOT of time...but I came up with my top 5 core values in order of importance. I feel like I have just jumped a huge hurdle, & it feels great!

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